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Friday, 12 September 2014

Book Talk: Mortal Gods (The Goddess War #2) by Kendare Blake

When I received an ARC of this book from Kendare Blake herself, I could not contain my excitement. I wanted to read it NOW! But, as life would have it, I was prevented first from reading it and then from blogging about it for longer than I would've liked, but no matter: I'm still here and I'm still way before the release date, which, for you guys, is 14 October. So without further ado, let us begin.

Ms Blake never disappoints -- she just doesn't do it. After having read Anna Dressed in Blood in three days flat, I've been eagerly stalking following her releases, and every single one is just as gripping, just as beautifully written, and just as filled with rip-your-heart-out adorable characters as the last. I don't have a single complaint for this woman. (Causing me to writhe in pain and silently scream at three am notwithstanding.)

Having concluded Antigoddess, Mortal Gods' predecessor, at a particularly emotional point, I could not wait to see how this event served to catalyse the plot in MG. Cassandra, particularly, was affected by the instance, which I shall not give away due to my no-spoiler policy. And develop the plot did, introducing new characters, new locations, new challenges, and kicking the stakes up a notch. It is, quite literally, do-or-die time for the gods. And the mythological aspect? Woven with the storyline even more deeply. We even get appearances from the Fates, Calypso, and Achilles.

The characters, too, developed gorgeously from where we left off in Antigoddess. Cassandra, especially, became much more likeable -- murderous rage becomes her. Andie and Henry got to play a bigger part, romantic tension between Athena and Odysseus grew, and Hermes stayed his perfect, loveable self. Just the way we like him. But don't get me wrong, he did grow too. Mortal Gods shows us, somewhat paradoxically, both a braver side and a more afraid side to my favourite god. So many things were happening, I could not release my deathgrip on the pages, try as I did to make it last.

And then there was the ending.

Without wanting to reveal too much, I will say this: I have not been so blown away since Catching Fire. In fact, Mortal Gods surpassed Catching Fire. I genuinely walked around in a stupor for days. Never, ever did I see this coming. "There is no District 12"? Just wait, my friends. Just wait.

Do I even need to state that my star rating is 5/5?

Add this to your TBR. ASAP.

Now for what's new with me, since we haven't spoken in so long.

My good news:

- I got my GCSE results, scoring a gob-smacking 11/11 A* grades
- I've begun school again and am loving my options
- It will be my birthday in less than a month. Seventeen, here I come!
- The blogging break allowed me to find many good books that must be brought to your attention. I've also had some Writing Wednesday ideas festering in my head...

My less good news:

- I am now studying the famously time-consuming IB, meaning I may have considerably less free time. I love you guys and this blog, so I promise I will try my upmost to blog every friday/wednesday/monday I can. That said, workloads can be unpredictable and I may have to skip a few weeks. Don't hate me.

Goodbye, dear patient readers. Until next time. And don't forget to bookmark the Mortal Gods release date!

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